Je dis souvent à quel point il est important d'avoir des mentors quand on veut avancer, peut importe le domaine. J'en ai eu plusieurs qui ont fait une différence dans le développement de ma carrière (Jo-Anne Donoghue des Productions musicales l'Artishow, le contrebassiste John Geggie dont le précieux conseils m'inspirent encore, Jean-Pierre Allain, un collaborateur hors-pair, le photographe Claude Brazeau, pour ne nommer que ceux-là).
J'ai commencé à
travailler avec Tim Bedner il y a plusieurs mois et il fait définitivement partie de ceux qui me font avancer. Chaque répétition avec Tim est une occasion d'aller plus loin. Il est généreux de ses conseils qui sont toujours des plus inspirant.
Je chante avec lui demain soir aux Brasseurs du Temps et je suis certaine que ce sera une soirée des plus savoureuses !
I often say how important it is to have mentors, no matter the domain. I had several key people who made a difference in the development of my career (Jo-Anne Donoghue from les Productions musicales l'Artishow, bass player John Geggie who gave me very inspiring advice, Jean-Pierre Allain, a fantastic collaborator, Claude Brazeau, photographer, to name only a few).
I started working with Tim Bedner many months ago and he is definitely one of those who make a difference. Every rehearsal with Tim is an occasion to go further. He is very generous with his advice and tips that are always very inspiring.
I'm singing with him tomorrow evening at les Brasseurs du Temps and I'm sure it will be a very enjoyable evening!
J'ai commencé à
Je chante avec lui demain soir aux Brasseurs du Temps et je suis certaine que ce sera une soirée des plus savoureuses !
I often say how important it is to have mentors, no matter the domain. I had several key people who made a difference in the development of my career (Jo-Anne Donoghue from les Productions musicales l'Artishow, bass player John Geggie who gave me very inspiring advice, Jean-Pierre Allain, a fantastic collaborator, Claude Brazeau, photographer, to name only a few).
I started working with Tim Bedner many months ago and he is definitely one of those who make a difference. Every rehearsal with Tim is an occasion to go further. He is very generous with his advice and tips that are always very inspiring.
I'm singing with him tomorrow evening at les Brasseurs du Temps and I'm sure it will be a very enjoyable evening!